Saturday, July 11, 2009


So my beautiful 5 year old Mac Power Book G4 has gone to computer heaven. I really don't think there is anything anyone can do. I am pretty sure it was hard drive sad times, but it served me well. With that said, I have not been able to blog as much (so sorry) but I am borrowing my roomates computer so I can update.

Wednesday was our last day on campus :( it was hard to say good bye to the people we had become close with. We also had some really neat conversations. Aaron, Matt, and I were a team and we were just handing out bibles in the cafeteria when we came to this table of two guys and two girls, we asked them if they wanted some free bibles and they said why not. Then they just started asking all of these really great questions...we didn't even have to bring up spiritual things, they did it for us. Most of them had a Catholic background but they all said they weren't that "religious". We talked for such a long time with them and went through the gospel and the KGP with them. They were so interesed, one of the girls even said that she wanted to pray to recieve Christ later by herself. It was such an amazing conversation, we talked with them for so long and it was just great! It was hard saying goodbye to Kingsborough, im pretty sure I'll be back at somepoint though...New York has a part of my heart now.

Thursday was an office day. We did stats and organized all of the contacts that we have gathered the past 5 weeks and sorted through all of the surveys. It was really cool to see how many people my ministry team alone talked to. God uses the insignificant, that is for sure! I am excited to hear what the stats are for the campus track and the entire project, it really puts things in perspective. Later in the day I actually got to see my good friend Joey Waters, who was in the city for the day with the Deep Impact staff. I only got to see him for like 10 minutes but it was so good, a familiar face is so comforting this place, even if just for a few minutes!

Friday we had our last outing with our international students. Our Chinese friends cooked for us...they cooked hot pot for us which is spice and you put raw stuff like fish and veggies in a boiling pot of spices and it was soooo good! seriously the best and most authentic Chinese food I have ever had.

The fam came in this weekend, it was so cool to be able to show them the city...even though I don't really know my way around as well as I thought. I wanted to take them to yogurt land so bad and then I couldn't find it. It was bad and I was so sad because yogurt land is so good! But we had fun and I think they enjoyed the city, even though it prolly overwhelmed them a bit. They all really enjoyed Central Park. I LOVE YOU FAMILY :)

Please be in prayer for my Sunday...Aaron and I are taking Chris (the guy that came to Christ at Kingsborough) to church tomorrow and after that we are meeting up with some other students from Kborough to go to the art show that is put on by the Arts is designed to be an outreach tool so please pray that God will provide some productive conversations. I am excited about Church because I am going to Grafitti Church, the Baptist State Convention helps support that church so I am excited about going. And the art show is going to be awesome, so yeah tomorrow is going to be way fun. Anyways hope you enjoyed the run down, until next time!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

"If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" ~2 Corinthians 5:17

Today was a typical Tuesday morning.  We met at the space, prayed, gathered our supplies, and my team headed out to City Tech in Brooklyn.  We were able to get into the college again this week, which was such a blessing.  We decided to split the girls and boys up so I went with Tay and Jenny.  For the first "soularium attempt" Jenny stayed behind and handed out free books/bibles/water bottles while Taylor and I approached a girl.  We asked her if she would take our picture survey.  We went through Soularium with her, she said she believed in God but didn't understand how so many people said that they felt him or how he helped them in troubled times.  So I asked her if she thought it was possible to have a personal relationship with him...she responded with an "I don't know".  At this moment, while still conversing with this girl I hit Taylor on the leg, which was me saying "quick get out the KGP" she did and home girl rocked it. P.S. this girl is 19 and since being on project has become one of the most bold people I have ever met, its great!  Anyways so Taylor goes through the KGP with her and we get to the part with a diagram of two circles...the circle on the left has the self on the throne and Christ is outside of the circle...the circle on the right has Christ on the throne (inside the circle) and self is at the foot of the other words Christ is in your life and in the center of your life.  We asked her which circle she thought she was in...she said, well I guess I am in the middle.  I took this opportunity to chime in and ask her what she thought about thinking of it as a pregnancy...your either pregnant or your not, there is no halfway pregnant.  She quickly responded saying that she was definitely the one on the left but wanted to be the one on the right.  Taylor then showed her the model prayer of what you can pray if you want to receive Christ.  She took the KGP and right there she accepted Christ into her was really really cool!  We got to give her a Bible and I got to share with her one of my favorite passages in the Bible (2 Corinthians 5) and I read to her the part of being a new creation.  That because we accept Christ into our lives we no longer have to do it on our own, we don't have to strive for unattainable perfection to try to turn our life around because Christ comes in and does it for us...changing us from the inside out, and making us a new creation.  She smiled and we talked for a while before she had to go to class.  This was our last day at City Tech and it was so amazing that God let us be a part of that...I am still speechless!
After lunch we got to share with two girls who were already believers.  It was so encouraging to meet them!  We have met several people who are believers and we are hoping that there is enough interest to start a Bible study there in the fall.  The Lord has totally been at work at City Tech and he is so not done!
Tonight we had Bible Study at Ansley's house.  She cooked Lasagna for us and some pretty tasty chocolate cake.  It was so nice to get away from the city and have a home cooked meal, in a real house!  Bible study was just as refreshing and comforting!  We had some great discussion and the Lord really encouraged my heart through that.  We also laughed a lot :)
Tomorrow is our last day at Kingsborough and of our campus ministry.  This makes me so sad, I feel like I have just gotten to know the students there and now we have to leave!  But God is in control and who knows maybe I'll end up back here for a year and get to re invest in those people (yep that is something im going to be praying about for the next couple months) but regardless I know God has done so much! I am so thankful to be a part of it and I can't wait to see what tomorrow holds.  PLEASE PRAY that God will use is in many significant ways...please specifically pray for our friend Constansza who many of us have talked to and whom I have become friends with...we really wanted to see her come to Christ or at least some significant progress in her thought process before we left.  But we at least want to be able to say bye to her and give her some resources (like a case for Christ...we have been carrying one with her name on it for like a week now).  PRAY for Kingsborough!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Free gifts

So I can't believe that this is our last full week here! It is so bitter sweet! I can not wait to get back to Caswell but I really really don't want to leave the city, im sort of in love with it!
The past several days have been pretty sweet.  Friday we went to a Coney Island Cyclones game (minor team of the Mets) with our international buddies...except my international buddy couldn't come so I invited Chris(the guy who came to Christ the other day) instead.  I thought it would be good for him to meet some fellow believers...Aaron sat with us and we all had a lot of fun.  They shot off fireworks after the game, and they played America The Beautiful by Ray Charles...For those of you who know me pretty well, you know that the Sandlot is my all time favorite movie so this was an exciting moment for me.
Saturday (JULY 4th) I slept in (praise the Lord), hung out/threw the friz in central park.  That night we went down to the Hudson with the rest of New York's population and some...seriously millions of people.  It was sorta frustrating...but once the fireworks started I was just a tad bit amazed! The fireworks were INSANE! SUNDAY I WENT TO A YANKEES GAME :) I think I am an official Yankees fan now.  I loved the game, it was so much fun!  The Yank's played the Blue Jays...beat them 10-8, shoulda smoked um even more than that but you know how it goes.
Today was such a great day!  We started off the day with a history lesson about the New York City Metro Team.  We learned when it started, how it has evolved, and what the vision has been and what it is for the future.  They would love to see some of us come to NYC on stint (year long staff intern) or eventually come on make a long story short, the need is so great here!
Today my team decided to do a give a way table.  So we gathered all the stuff we needed, books, bibles, high lighters, water bottles, laundry bags...AND since we had so much stuff, we got to take a cab out to Kingsborough which was cool because we are always underground when we go there, it was cool to see the commute above was beautiful.  We get there, set up, and not even 30 minutes later had given away all of our stuff/done a lot of was really neat.
However I did notice something that sort of got me thinking.  I noticed that there were tons of people that just kept right on walking.  We were saying "free stuff, its free, free free free,  would you like some free stuff?"   and no matter how free it was, still people kept right on walking.  I have done the same thing before, especially on campus...somebody is  handing out free stuff and I usually don't give them the time of day, much less take time out of my schedule to take their survey.  I feel like this relates so much with Salvation.  Here is this free gift...Jesus gives it FREE, no strings attached, you can't earn it, purchase it, or lose it...its just  free and all you have to do is take it.  Yet people walk on by, turn their nose up, and just don't take it.  
After the table was done  Aaron and I had a follow up session with Chris.  We had lunch with him and just talked with him about how he was processing his decision to follow Christ.  We talked with him about assurance of salvation and all kinds of stuff.  It was very challenging at times because we had to break down every little thing.  However towards the end of the conversations I could tell that he understood a lot more which was really cool. AND when we asked him on a scale of 1-10 how sure he was of his eternal salvation and he said 10 really enthusiastically!   it was so great!

Tonight we had our monday night meeting and it was inner city's night to lead.  They did such a wonderful job.  We ate, sang, were spoken too, prayed, and then we went with our dinner groups out to give homeless people bag dinners.  It was so neat...we had some good responses and some not so good  responses, but overall it is going to be an experience I won't forget and one that has taught me a lot about how I need to treat others, especially the homeless!

so anyways thats a basic rundown of the coolness but im so tired and its 2:03 am and i am wondering what in the world I am doing still typing right now so goodnight!

Friday, July 3, 2009

"Taste and see that the Lord is good, blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him"-Psalm34:8

The past several days have been so amazing!  At every college we went to we had really significant spiritual conversations.  God has really blessed our time every day...throughout the summer each person has had at least one deep spiritual conversation every day...thats a lot of conversations!

I just want to share with you something that happened on Wednesday.  Please be mindful that I don't share this to bring myself glory because I am so insignificant in is all because of Jesus and glory belongs to God!  I share this because what happened has really blessed my life and is just one of the examples of how God is so faithful to obedience, even if you have to wait a really long time...not to mention how he orchestrates EVERYTHING so perfectly!

So God had really been laying it on my heart to fast...he would not let me get it off of my after a lot of praying I decided to start Wednesday after breakfast and end Thursday at 3.  during this time  I specifically wanted to remember the students at Kingsborough because my heart has really been burdened for them and just re-focus spiritually.  So yeah we get to Kingsborough Wednesday and I got paired up with a girl named Dani(she is part of the Boston summer project, they came to visit us) and we tried to talk to like three different people but got shot down pretty fast :( but God had far bigger plans.  So I see the lifeguards out on the kingsborough beach, and I was like oooo lifeguards, I love lifeguards, lets go talk to them (cuz there was no one in the water of course and they were chillin like professional lifeguards).  So we did, one dude and two dudets.  We did Soularium with them, and it was an ok conversation, but I could tell it wasn't going to go where we wanted it soon as I thought that out of no where this guy comes up to us.  He came to say hello to the lifeguards but ended up joining our conversation and soon he and I were engaged in a deep spiritual conversation.  We talked for at least an hour.  Chris had a Catholic background and kept saying he knew a lot about what I was saying, he said he prayed and went to church.  I went through the KGP booklet with him and he was so into it...I could tell he had never heard the gospel before (grown up in church and never heard the whole gospel, ugh).  I got to talk with him about what he thought God's standard was for letting us into heaven and of course his answer was "be good, try the best you can, pray, and go to church", I then shared with him that since we are human we are not good no matter how hard we try and we will always fall short...and we have to ask Jesus to come in our heart and become our savior, and have a personal relationship with him.  He agreed with all of this but still kept going back to the whole works mindset...we talked about it for a long time until he finally said, well I want what you are talking about...and right there on the beach Chris prayed to receive Christ.  I can't believe Jesus let me be apart of something like this and I am so thankful and encouraged by that.  Chris is coming with our group to a baseball game on Coney Island today.  I am hoping to introduce him to my guy friends...and hopefully we will have the opportunity to talk with him more, and try to help him understand more about his new faith.  I think something most people struggle with when someone comes to Christ is if that decision was really legit...only them and God truly know but we are responsible to follow up and love on that person.  So yeah I am so excited for that!

I say all this to express how stinking awesome Jesus Christ is...not like we didn't already know that but seriously! This experience reminded me of how perfect his ways are!  He orchestrated everything so perfectly! I had recently been so discouraged because out of all the years that I have shared my faith, I have never seen anyone come to has reminded me that its all on His time, not mine!  I find it crazy that the day I decide to go on a fast...God brings another child into his family by using an insignificant person like me!  It reminds me that if we can just empty ourselves of OURSELVES than there is more room for God to use us!  And if God is telling you to do something, DO IT!  Then just sit back and watch because you are going to be amazed!

"If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen."
1 Peter 4:11

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

1 Timothy 1:3-17

 3As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer 4nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies. These promote controversies rather than God's work—which is by faith. 5The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. 6Some have wandered away from these and turned to meaningless talk. 7They want to be teachers of the law, but they do not know what they are talking about or what they so confidently affirm.

 8We know that the law is good if one uses it properly. 9We also know that law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious; for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers,10for adulterers and perverts, for slave traders and liars and perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine 11that conforms to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which he entrusted to me.

 12I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me faithful, appointing me to his service. 13Even though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief. 14The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.

 15Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. 16But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life. 17Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Believers vs. the church

So the past two days have been pretty encouraging.  A lot has happened.  Much ministry, much fun, and much learning.  Here's the highlights. 
So yesterday we went out to campus we had some time to re focus as a team and for ourselves.  My good friend/birthday twin Chris Denning led worship for us (which was awesome) and we had some time to reflect on what God has done and what we would like to see him do.  Spent some time re visiting some of the goals I have set for the summer/making new ones, and praying for a lot of stuff and a lot of people.
We went to our home campuses and Aaron and I teamed up.  We went outside to the beach area (kingsborough has a beach which is way cool) and looked for someone to do Soularium with.  I spotted a girl who looked like she might be muslim(by her dress) and I thought to myself hmm we should talk to her...and before I could even suggest it, Aaron was already making his way over to her.  So began to do the Soularium  survey.   we found out she was indeed a Muslim (big time).  Aaron and I both don't really know too much about the Muslim faith so we asked her tons of questions, and she told us sooooo much! it was really neat...she kept saying that there are a lot of similarities between Islam and Christianity.  To make a very long story short, we talked for like 2 hours...We did get to share the gospel with her a little bit just by explaining what we believe and how its different from Islam.  However she kept sort of interupting ( i dont think it was on purpose) and bringing it back to Islam so I figured there was no way we were going to get through the KnowingGodPersonally booklet with her so I wrote my information down on a KGP and gave it to her and said that I would love for her to read it because it expresses what we believe as Christ followers...She sort of started looking through it and said she would...and I know for a fact she really will read even though the conversation didn't lead to any kind of decision, it was still an amazing conversation, she even said she believed she was meant to meat us and it was just really cool. 
Today we went to City Tech (the campus we usually can't get into).  We prayer walked for a bit, cuz we really wanted to get on campus and we prayed that we might find a way on.  So we had previously been told that if you "go to the admissions office" you can go we asked to go...we did go for like 2 seconds but then we went to go talk to students :) God provided!  We approached a girl named Natasha.  We went through Soularium with her and through the questions, her answers, and us just dialoging with her we found out that she desired to know God.  We went through the KGP with her and she seemed really receptive...she acknowledged that she did not have Christ in her life and wanted it...but just as we were going through the last part her friend came up...which was cool...she was really nice and got to listen in on the convo...but when we asked Natasha if she wanted to give her life to Christ she said she did but she wanted to do it later...I am convinced that if her friend had not come up she would have accepted Christ...but I know that happened for a reason! We got both of their contact info and gave them ours and hope that that will not be our last praying for them!
After that Jenny and I talked to a girl named Monika.  She is actually from Poland.  Again we busted out the Soularium.  She told us that she moved here when she was 13, she is married and has a little boy.  I am guessing she is around the age of 24ish.  When we got to the God questions she told us that her family is Roman Catholic and she only goes to church sometimes.  She is in the middle between believing and not believing, and she would like to know God but doesn't know how that happens and wants proof.  I asked her if we could share what we believed with her, she agreed and so I went through the KGP with her and Jenny and I tried to explain the gospel in a way that she would best understand.  She had a lot of questions...and said she knew some of the things we were telling her because of church.  We tried to explain that each of us have to make the decision for ourselves and that God can change us from the inside out.  It was such a good conversation and I really think Monika will eventually come to Christ...she was so close today...but we gave her our info, the KGP (she wanted to continue to look over it,process it, which is really good) and we gave her a copy of the book A Case For Christ...which was so perfect because this morning we were given a couple copies to hand out and isn't cool how God works and the person we gave ours to was someone who needs proof of Jesus :)

I was so encouraged by all of that yesterday and today but also frustrated.  I feel like ever since I have gotten here I have felt the battle between Christianity and religion.  For example the girl we talked to yesterday thought that Christians had to go through someone else to know God.  Monika thought that you have to go to church/be good and follow all of the rules to know God.  Monika comes from a Roman Catholic background...and while im not ragging on the Catholic church I am ragging on tradition.  We face the same thing in the south...people some how get the idea that all we have to do to get to heaven/know God is to go to church and try to be good.  And if these people are in church and still think this then something is wrong with how the church (AS A WHOLE) is presenting the, baptist, methodist, frustrates me that so many people think that they meet God's standard for good...why do so many miss the truth.  I think part of the issue is a lot of times we are afraid we are going to "offend" someone...well let me tell ya, the gospel IS OFFENSIVE...just look at Jesus...the truth he spoke offended people, stepped on toes, and called them out.  We are doing man kind more of an injustice by not truthfully exposing the gospel to what it really is as opposed to telling people what they want to hear and putting a big ole layer of sugar on it.

Yes People need to know that church is improtant, and that God loves him...but they also need to know that we can not earn salvation!  We can not do ANYTHING to earn God's love, or prove our goodness to him because we WILL FAIL!  We fall short...ALL OF US! We ALL come out of the womb a sinner and no matter how "good" we try to be we will always mess up!  Therefore we are unacceptable to have fellowship with God...but we are made ACCEPTABLE by the grace given by Jesus...God sacrificed himself to be the that we can have fellowship and a relationship with him.  For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God (ephesians 2:8)

This miss understanding leaves people coming out of churches empty and confused as to why they can't feel God.  Leaving them wondering if he even exists.  I know many churches do an amazing job at making sure that people understand the gospel and God's requirement for us.  But it does frustrate me when I hear stories of people being taught distorted doctrine or believing the lies that satan has planted right under our noses.

Truth is that God longs to redeem us! to have a relationship with us, and to lead us to abundant life living for him.  All we have to do is ask him to come into our lives and surrender control to him...Revelation 3:20 says "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me."In Hebrew times, to eat with someone was very intimate, and was a sign of acceptance...when it says that he will come in and eat with us and us with him this means that he accepts us JUST AS WE ARE and all we have to do is invite him, accept him!then he does the rest...Accepting his grace means we no longer have to try to be good but he changes us from the inside out and we desire to live for him.  Thank God for GRACE. Im glad I gave my heart to Christ and not Religion.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

No wonder Broadway screams WICKED!!!!

WOW what an amazing weekend it has been thus far! allow me to highlight!
Friday Sami and I went to the Metropolitan Museum of art with our international buddy Kathy!  It was soooo amazing! We spent like 4 hours there and prolly didn't even see half of it.  I was sure to go to the painting exhibits before we left ( I was not leaving without seeing Van Gogh and Monet)...I got to see more Warholl, Matise, Picasso, Pollock :) AND I seriously could not contain myself when I saw two whole rooms dedicated to Degas (my 3rd favorite) A room and a half dedicated to Monet (my 2nd favorite), and a partial room dedicated to Van Gogh (my number 1) I could stare at if for hours, I was just amazed!  Sami and I actually got to have some really good spiritual conversations and eventually got to share the gospel!  It was a great start to what hopefully be more conversations! Please pray that the Lord will continue to work on her heart and that she will put her trust in Christ!
Friday night our entire project went to a minor league baseball game on Staten Island! It was a ton of fun! On our way over to Staten Island a huge thunder storm came out of no where...they had to delay the came a couple of hours but we eventually got goin! It was such a fun urban city meets small town community.  Seriously so fun...and our group package got us unlimited food (well hot dogs and hamburgers) and free hats.
So today ROCKED! I got to catch up on some sleep...went to the Wicked lottery at 11:30 to try to get tickets for the 2:00 show but failed :( After that George and I went walkin around the city, ate lunch, and then gathered together some others to go throw the frisbee in Central Park...which was so fun!  It was sunny all day(except for a 5 minute monsoon), which has not happened much since we have been here!  LATER I went to the Wicked lottery again to try and get tickets for the evening show...AND I WAS THE FIRST NAME CALLED!  Apparently my face was pretty priceless...and I know it had to have been because the called my name and i was like what? and just walked up there...I was too shocked to be excited :) but that swiftly changed as I went back to get ready.  The show was one of the most amazing things I have ever seen!!  The set was AMAZING, the chorgraphy was AMAZING, the singing was INSANE, the flying monkeys FLEW over our heads! ah it was beyond awesome...not to mention if you win the lottery you get FRONT ROW seats for only $26.25...INSANE !!! So needless to say it has been an amazing weekend and tomorrow is gonna be sweet too because it is Sunday :) yay!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

"you know I like my chicken fried"

Today was so amazing!  I am at a much better place than at the beginning of the week! praise God!

So today we started our day off at "the space" and met up with the arts track before we headed out to campus.  Today we were encouraged to use Soularium as our outreach tool.  I stinkin love Soularium because it is a picture ask students to pick pictures that represent their answer to a is an amazing way to connect with people(people will tell you the craziest stuff), and start really great spiritual conversations that will hopefully lead into sharing the gospel.

So my team/some art kids went over to our home college(Kingsborough).  On the subway ride over(which happens to be very very long) I took some time to hang out with Jesus...I prayed that he would fill me with his joy today...and he did. Nathan(from the arts track) was my partner, he is great.  We prayed and then headed out...the first two convos we had were not really progressive by our standards but hopefully God used us anyways...but the third convo was pretty sweet...we talked to three teachers from the high school that is located on Kingsborough's campus.  We had a dude that could have cared less about God and two ladies who came from "religious" backgrounds growing up.  We went through soularium and got some great feed back from them...I could see that the convo could possibly die and in my head I refused to leave without sharing the was a spark of determination that kinda freaked me out honestly...So I asked a question that related to a previous answer about God and I asked that if it was possible for us to have a personal relationship with God, what would it take to achieve that...and I was astonished when they said "oh you just have to be good and live life the best you can"...whoa...then I asked if they thought that us being "good" was good enough to meet God's standard...and the response was a little more hmmm and they said well yeah...and then it came out of my mouth, the typical Crusade question...on a scale of 1-10 what is your desire to know God personally...dude said 2, girl 1 said 5.5, and girl 2 said an 8...and then it happened...we shared the gospel with was way cool and so God...and even though they didn't come to a decision, its cool Jesus has the rest.   And yeah it was fun, and praise God for all of it...the good, the bad, and those three people who took the time out of their lunch to listen to a couple of crazy Christians.

We had to be back at "the space" today by 3:00 for team time is great because we get to spend time praying for eachother and talking about what God has done or what we would like to see him do...Tonight for dinner we went up to Harlem for some good ole soul food...I was so excited it was ridiculous! I had fried chicken with a helpin of collards and candied yams and a big ole glass of sweeeeeeeet tea! it was a blessing to my stomach...well until after I finished eating and could barely walk from being so full ugh!  And it wasn't even that much food...I mean it was a good sized dinner but not too much...oh well needless to say im still hurtin...but it was worth it because I felt like I was in the south for like an hour!

Please be in prayer for my day tomorrow...Friday's are the day we spend with our international student (Kathy is mine).  We are going to the Metropolitan Museum of ART, home to van gogh and monet...I am far too excited...Please pray that I will not pass out while observing two of my favorite artists but more importantly that Sami and I will get to have good conversation with Kathy and hopefully get to talk with her about spiritual things.  Kathy's boyfriend is a Christian and the staff women here have told me that she is definitely searching and wants to know more about the whole Jesus that is exciting! 

p.s. RestInPeace Michael Jackson :(

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

6 hours of intensity

1.a. To buy back b. To win back
2. a. To free what distresses or harms b. to free from captivity by payment of ransom c. To release from blame or debt d. To free from consequence of sin

So today was really amazing!  God definitely sent my heart some encouragement today.  We did not go to campus today because we had a guest speaker come and well speak to us.  His name is Sy Rogers and he came to talk to us about well sexual stuff.  The staff warned us that it was going to be intense, and not to mention a 4 day talk crammed into 6 hours.  He addressed a lot of the issues that most churches are either afraid to talk about or just wont.  
There is no way I would be able to tell you everything we discussed cuz it was one crazy 6 hours but so worth it.  Sy used to be a homosexual.  His mother died when he was a child, he was molested by her partner, his dad sent him away to live with some people cuz he thought it was best for him, he felt abandoned...he started having attractions but wasn't gay but people told him he must be gay and that he should embrace eventually he did...later in life he actually almost got a sex change...but long story short God interrupted his plans and came into a relationship with the Lord...He said he was redeemed.  He told us that his attractions just didn't magically go away but he wanted God more...he never gave up because God meant more...Now he has been married for 25 years and has been in full time ministry for 30.  Now this is way abrieviated but if you ever get the chance to hear this mans story then you will understand just how amazing it is!
He talked a lot about how many Christians used to try to reach out to him...but he always felt like they didn't really care, they just wanted to argue.  Or how no one tried to help him with his sexual thoughts...they just immideitly dismissed him and said those thoughts are sinful, you are often to we "Christians" do that...I realized that it is far more often than any of us would ever admit.  How many people won't come to church because of a similar experience.  How many people will never step foot inside a church or never give Jesus the time of day because we have made them feel that their sin makes them inadequate.  Well I wish it wasn't like this because God knows every sin of every person ever made.  And if he chose to tell the world what some of us, yes even the most Godly people, I don't think any of us would ever judge anyone else ever again.  For example, take all of the people Jesus saves from sexual sin alone in the Bible...The woman at the well, who had 5 lovers, Mary Magdaline, the woman caught in adultery (which is my favorite because the pharisees try to trap Jesus by bringing the woman to him and saying the law of moses says to stone her, what do you say, and my man kneels in the sand and just starts writing, writing, and he says you who are without sin throw the first stone...point being those pharisess were just as dirty as her).  We need to not dismiss these issues, but come to terms with the fact that they are real and help people deal with them.  The reason Sy is walking with Christ today is because someone CARED enough to pull him aside and share the gospel with him, not rebuke him.
He addressed so much about our sinful nature, sexual sin and not just the act, how its about our thoughts and our was a really great talk...but you know one thing that gripped me was when he was talking to us about how as human beings most of us do not feel good in our skin, whether that be sexually or just in terms of who we are...and you know I know I struggle with coming to terms of how God made me and feeling good about myself, and no I don't mean sexually I mean just me being me.  I am a typical silly girl! I listen to satan when it comes to me and the lies that our society loves to tell...I live across the street from a victoria secret where there are posters up of these picture perfect women with picture perfect bodies, or if only more that 8 of us in the world could be picture perfect.  This is my blog so I am not even going to pretend that I am afraid to be vulnerable because im so not!  This is me, I am real, and I have real struggles...This insecurity of mine has never been a physical disorder thank God but it sure is a mental one...I might come across as a confident person but I tear myself up 98 % of the time.  And it is so amazing that he chose to address this because one of the things I wanted God to show me this summer is to try to see myself the way he sees me.  That he will redeem my thoughts! I am his daughter, he made me...being an artist I know what it is like to intentionally make something a certain put so much love and effort into a piece...God is an artist...we are all products of his work...and God doesn't make something without putting great thought in it...I know this is going to be a struggle for me that is just not going to go away like Christians there are certain things each of us struggle with that will rear its ugly head a us throughout our life...But I want God more.  I fail so often at so many things and the only reason I don't throw in the towel is because I want God more! He is sufficient, he is a redeemer, he satisfies and justifies...and while we will still struggle in life, its ok because HE WILL see us through...and he allows us to struggle because it only makes us stronger...and he understands when we hurt because there is NOTHING he has not experienced for us!
So yeah I totally wish you could have heard this talk...there is sooooo much more to it than what I have addressed but I really think it will help me relate to the suffering world that is right outside my door...I am so excited about going on campus tomorrow and telling people that Jesus LOVES them so much it is ridiculous and it doesn't matter what you have done, where you have been, there is no sin to dirty that he can not cover, he is a healer, a lover, a father, a redeemer, and he wants to bring us back and restore our lives...he is for the un-loveable, rejected, beaten, wounded, abused, mistreated, lonely, no direction, homeless, heartless, weary, the empty...he wants matter what...there is no sin to terrible that he hasn't already paid for!

"You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
~Romans 5:6-8

PS. and I went running tonight in central park(I had company no worries) and it was awesome...we ran there which is pretty far, well maybe only a mile somethin and ran there and it was soooo what I needed...I just prolly do that more...and thats all!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Breaking point

So I'll just come out and say it...the past couple of days have been really hard for me.  I have hit a wall that has been building since I got here...I am physically, emotionally, and spiritually exhausted...I can blame some of that on the city but until yesterday I found a way to push through and endure it without much of a problem.  But today was my breaking point.
I have really been discouraged because I feel like everyone I share my faith with, it never really goes anywhere...It does but it doesn' I have had some really amazing conversations with people which is great...but my human nature wants to see results...I want to see someone trust Christ.  Out of all of the years that I have been a Christian and all of the times I have shared my faith, no one has come to Christ that I know of...and sometimes I ask, God is there really a purpose in me doing all of this?  While in my head I know the answer already, which is yes there is a purpose...I firmly believe that as long as I am obedient to the Lord and share my faith like I have been called to do then that in itself brings glory to the Lord, even if I never see the results.  and I know that and I do believe it...but sometimes it is hard to hold to that knowledge, and feeling like every conversation is going no where(even when it really is), or when my friends are seeing people come to christ and im not, its just hard for my heart...I feel so burdened for these people and I want them to know Jesus!
I have experienced similar emotions with some of my friends at school who are not believers...I want them to know Christ so bad because I love them so much and I don't want them to go to is really overwhelming and my heart is  burdened for them all of the time.  I guess the Lord is teaching me patience and trust because I need to come to terms with the fact that I can't save anybody! That is up to the Lord and that person...but what I can do is be obedient to what he has called me to do whether I feel like it or not, whether I see the results or doesn't matter...I have been called to bring him glory and that is what I have to do, even when it is really hard.  Cuz it is not about all!  If I go through the rest of this summer project with every conversation being frustrating, or never seeing the results of my efforts so be it...I am confident that God has called me here, even if it is just for him to find me in my brokenness and for me to try to bring him glory.
I guess another thing that kind of broke me today was we couldn't get into our campus today.  We went to City Tech today in Brooklyn and last week when we went we were actually very encouraged because the security guard was a Christian and he found a way to get us in so we could talk to students...Today things were different...we couldn't get in so we tried to find some people outside and stuff...we went to a park and actually talked to this one guy (he had been shot 5 times and lived through a 6 month coma), his story was amazing...we shared the gospel with him but he said he already accepted Christ which was cool...but throughout the day we approached many more, and no one would give us the time of day...and I know there is a purpose in that and that God's plan is so much bigger than mine but im sure you can understand how that could be frustrating.
On an encouraging note, my discipler (Caitlyn) and all the people here have been so supportive the last couple days as I have been trying to process these emotions.  They have challenged me, and greatly encouraged me.  I spent some time with Jesus right before bible study and I opened my Bible and I had opened it to Isaiah 49 and I was greatly encouraged!..I was just like WOW God thank you!  After that, Bible study was pretty sweet...we are reading this book called Prodigal God by Tim Keller and it is just great...I will have to tell ya'll about it in another post.  But thankfully my night has been so much better!  I really wrestled with whether or not I should share these struggles on my blog...but I feel like I wanted ya'll to know what I am going through and that I am not perfect...and that I am just a girl who loves Jesus but I am in process...and that is an ok place to be because I know that usually when I am at my breaking point or at my weakest...thats usually when I find my greatest strength in Him!

Monday, June 22, 2009

The empire state building is our north star

So tonight we were walking back from yogurt land which is on like 8th street or something...and we live on 34th...and my roomate Becca says "the empire state building is like our north star"...she is so right because the thing is so tall you can see it from almost anywhere so all you have to do is just walk until you run into it and your round about in the right place...I just thought it was great!

I have so much to say right now but I need to go to bed for real!  So I will just leave you with a praise that two people came to Christ today...yayyy! 

We had our monday night meeting tonight which was headed up by the arts track and the meeting was focussed on dying to self and trying to do everything for God's glory :) and then we all went to yogurt land afterwards...its such a great we attempted to eat yogurt for God's serious ya'll!  

um since this is brief I'll share some prayer requests...Pray that our team will not be discouraged, but will continue to share the gospel boldly and that peoples hearts will be softened.  Pray that we will find energy in our wearyness...I tend to get really really tired in the middle of the day and that can be hard...pray that we will be challenged in ways that will produce growth for our faith...Keep me in your prayers...the Lord is dealing with me in a couple different ways that I hope to go into more detail later, I just really need to go to bed, but yeah until next time :)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Being civilized is overrated

Ya'll Jesus has blessed me with such a relaxing day!  Went to this random but not so random church, ate a really great burger, threw frisbee and ran in Central Park, and just laid around all evening...I feel so rested and that is something I have not felt since I have been here! I got to talk to my Daddy twice(HAPPY FATHERS DAY DAD!), talked to my Grandpa(Papa), my Mom, and my little brothers...not to mention one great conversation with my girl Hannah Price...she is amazing and I lover her :)
So I wanted to blog about my church experience today...So we meant to go to this church called Trinity Grace annnnd since there are so many churches with the name trinity in it we went to some random baptist church on the upper east side by accident.  So we realized what happened and decided to just stay put...totally a God thing!  I am not going to get too detailed but the message was based on MATTHEW 11.  The pastor talked about John the Baptist and how he was seen as a messy, wandering, crazy kind of guy...or a barbarian.  He offered the idea of what it might look like if Christians stopped living a life of civilized Christianity and started living like barbarians for many people (especially christians) play it safe and miss out on living a life for Christ.  What would it look like if we were all barbarians for Christ...being crazy for him, telling people about him and not caring what anyone thinks.  Sometimes the church can be the greatest offender to the kingdom simply because we are lazy, ignorant, afraid, prideful, stuck in our ways people...but THANKFULLY our God created grace and Jesus has offered it for us to take...I don't deserve it, you don't deserve it, truth is no one will ever deserve it but he gave it to us anyways...and if we take it he promises us abundant life, fellowship with him, and the opportunity to live our lives for him...but what he doesn't promise us is a safe life...from hurt, brokenness, death, pain, persecution...but he does promise that he will be there every step of the way AND that he has been through it all!  I think sometimes we think...oh woe is me im going through this intense struggle and no one understands...well NO cuz Jesus does...I mean he died for us, he carried the sins and burdens of the entire world on his back...he knew our struggles before we knew them...why in the world would we think the he wouldn't understand.  This sermon really got me this morning...cuz this is stuff I tend to struggle example, fear.  I actually read a passage later that was really encouraging to me...its 2 Corinthians 4! You should prolly read it.  So yeah I guess my challenge for myself and for you is just to ask...what have I done for God lately?  Have I stepped outside of the box of civilized christianity at all, or even considered it?

Please pray for us tomorrow as we continue our work on campus...pray that the Lord will use us to reach students with the gospel, his love, grace, that they will come to have a relationship with him and become barbarians for Christ!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Dancing through Saturday

So today was a much needed Saturday!  I was thankful to be able to sleep in...even though I only slept until about 10:30 because some of us girls left at 11 to go get student rush tickets for the NYC Ballet...for $12!!!!!!
I felt like a little kid in a candy store when we got to Lincon Center and right in front of me were the David H. Koch Theater (which is home to the NYC Ballet) and the Metropolitan Opera House (which is where the American Ballet Theater dances).  Ever since I was little one of my dreams in life was to see the NYC Ballet perform! I was so excited! I was more than thrilled when we got our tickets!
I had planned on hanging out in central park between lunch and the Ballet.  I have wanted to go running soooo bad but I have either been too tired or its been raining...and it rained AGAIN today so that plan was outta here...but I guess it was a good thing because I took like a two hour nap and I needed it...I havn't been getting as much sleep as I need so it was nice to catch up a bit and just relax since things have been so crazy.
Those of us going to the Ballet got all dressed up :) we went to dinner at this cafe near Lincon Center and I did something really stupid.  So they had a place where you could build your own salad...and at the build your own salad places I have been to here in NY you get a certain number of toppings without charge...well not this one...I paid $14 for a stinkin salad because they didn't tell me/I didn't see it on any sign I didn't know that...good golly im an time I will be sure to ask!  I wanted to say something but I figured Jesus loves them so I won't be a jerk.
We finally get to the theater and I was just so excited!  Seriously one of my dreams since I was a kid was coming true.  We had pretty good seats...third floor/middle left.  The ballet was so amazing...we saw A Mid Summer Nights Dream and it was just so beautiful...every movement was was all just so perfect!  The only down side of the whole thing is that it made me miss dancing...I danced from 1st grade through 12th grade and I loved it so was such a big part of my life...I stopped when I went to college, I almost wish I would have found a studio in Greenville to take from but I didn't so I have gone from a mover to an observer.  Who knows maybe one day I will be able to start up again, just for fun.  But tonight certainly was a pleasant reminder of how beautiful ballet is and how it will always hold a special place in my heart!

Friday, June 19, 2009

That pretty lady in the Hudson

So today was great! Got to sleep in just a tad. Sami and I went to the Statue of Liberty/Ellis Island with our international buddy Kathy and her friend. Kathy is from China and she is so sweet! We had to wait in line forrrrreeeeeeevvvvvvverrrrrrrrr for the ferry but it was fun getting to know Kathy! The ferry ride was neat, it was really cool to be able to see the entire manhattan skyline from the Hudson. We walked on liberty island for a while and had fun hanging out with Lady Liberty, she is so beautiful! You can see Manhattan so well from Liberty Island, it is interesting seeing the city but being away from it. It is so chaotic inside but away from it, its so peaceful looking and just so stationary! which is crazy to see it as peaceful when in reality is that its the most insane place ever! Ellis Island was fun...a lot of really neat things to see! I love history so this was a fun adventure for me! It is cool to think that I stood where thousands and thousands of people came through every day on their passage to was just great...and I think Kathy enjoyed it a lot. We will be spending time with Kathy every week we are going to the Met which I am super excited about...and she wants to cook authentic schechzan chinese food for us sometime :)
Later, Sami and I walked over to ground zero and St. Pauls...St Pauls is like the oldest functioning place in the is really pretty and inside it is still decorated with signs, memorials, and things from the september 11th tragedy...they have several tributes to the rescue works in there...since st. pauls was used as a refuge for them during the recovery stage. It was so sad though...broke my heart all over again honestly...and ground zero was sad too...I mean it is a place that is being rebuilt but it won't be the same...they have a picture of what the new world trade center will look is several buildings but in the center is where the twin towers stood and that will be made into a memorial museum which is going to be really great!
Tonight we went to Central park for comedy night...sponsered by comedy central. we saw Pablo somethin and Gabriel Iglesias...he was so Pablo was just a little too vulgar for my taste and seemed like he relyed on his nasty mouth rather than good comedy...anyway so most of that was fun...the park is beautiful and I hope to go there tomorrow...speaking of tomorrow it is tomorrow and I don't know why I am still awake...gosh! I have to get up and get student tickets for the ballet excited...seriously one of my dreams since i was a kid was to see the NYC Ballet perform...and you can't beat $12 tickets...goooodnight :)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Exploration to brokenness


We read this passage this afternoon at our debriefing session after we got back from campus.  It was kinda cool because I guess you could say this was an early example of decoding ;) which is something we have been doing with our campuses.
It is really neat because I can totally identify with their situation.  They were sent into the promised land to check it out, see what kind of people inhabited it/to see if they were strong or weak, to potentially claim it, and to harvest the fruits...when the spys got back some of them said that it was impossible to overtake the people living there because they were too strong, but Joshua and Caleb, who trusted the Lord knew what God had promised and knew that he would see them through.  I identify with this because I totally get how scary it is coming to a new place, where the people are strong and can seem to overwhelm you.  That is how I have felt every day we have stepped foot on a campus.  The people are many, rebellious, and most could prolly care less about God...For example I have had two conversations with atheist in the past was today...
Today my group went to our home college for the first time...all the way out in Coney Island(which is like an hour and a half commute) but its on the beach which is sweet.  So I partnered up with my home boy Aaron from Lenior Rhyne.  We were trying to see if we could sit with some people during lunch and start some conversation...our first attempt failed(cuz the girl would not get off her phone) so we just ate and talked about Jesus amongst ourselves...well I notice this girl sitting by herself behind us, so we decide to go talk to her...we were going to start with a survey and she said she would be glad to take a survey (surveys are used a lot with CRU because they are a great way to begin spiritual convos)...the survey went well...we asked her about her religious background and she said her dad was catholic, her mom was agnostic, and she was atheist.  So we get to talkin and we found out she is a big science person and believes that over christianity...I could sit her and talk about everything we talked about but that would take forever!  So I am just going to say that the conversation was awesome, we talked for like 45 minutes...we asked her a couple questions about her beliefs that she was stumped on and it was just cool how we could see the wheels turning in her head.  By the end of the conversation she told us that sometimes she is totally atheist, but some days she leans more toward being an agnostic...which means even though she doesn't admit it, she def. thinks about spiritual things and has def. though long and hard about what she should believe...She is such a sweet girl...she is an artist and loves to paint and draw (like me)...we talked a lot about that...I did ask her to consider how "if" there was a God...that he created her like how an artist would create a sculpture (she loves sculpting too) and all of the time, love, energy, and passion that goes into making it...she thought about this for a second and then changed the subject...she eventually had to go to class but said she would love to talk with us some more...good thing we are going back tomorrow and for the next 4 weeks be there twice a week...I know my words might not explain my thoughts completely but it was an amazing conversation! friends Alex (my adopted little bro) and Andrea got an amazing opportunity today...Jesus used them to lead someone to cool!
It is neat because even though sharing our faith on campus is scary and its like exploring a crazy world where the people overwhelm you and it seems like you will never win...God is on our side...just like with the Israelites...and if we stand up for him and are obedient to what he has called us to do...HE will see us through and we will harvest fruit from it...and today was such an amazing example of that, and it is so cool that we ended up studying this passage after all of that happened today :)
This evening my friend Dorothy Wu came up to visit...she lives in Jersey and came up for the night...We tried to get the lottery for Wicked tickets but didn't get them :( but hey 3rd time is a charm right, so maybe next time...but congrats to my bible study leaders who lucked out! soo we were meandering down broadway at rush hour trying to figure out what we were gonna do...we were thinking about going to the Yankes game but then spotted the Little Mermaid sign...and we went in to see how much their prices were and thanks to our student ID's we got cheap tickets...well cheap for Broadway ($30) but that is only $2.50 more than I would have paid in the lottery for Wicked...ANYWAY so we get the tickets and we sit in the balcony off to the right side which is really close to the stage...IT WAS AMAZING!!! I have never seen anyhing like I love the little mermaid...uhhh It was so awesome...I am in love with broadway now :) my favorite song was "Kiss the girl" was just so sweet!  My second fav was "Under da sea" was so fun...Dorothy was so sweet too...I had so much fun with her...And I thank her soooo much for hanging out with me for the night!
so yeah how bout im really tired and I don't know why I am still awake so im going to bed...thats all :)

Monday, June 15, 2009

You are the God of this City!

So today was our first day on Campus.  We started out at what we call "the space"...Brandon and Ansley (our track directors) broke us up into ministry teams and gave us our campus assignments.  Each team is assigned a "home campus"that we will be visiting twice a week and two other campuses that we go to the other two days.  My ministry team was assigned Kingsborough Community College as our home campus.  Kingsborough is in Brooklyn.  Our other two campuses are City Tech which is also in Brooklyn and Hunter College which is in Manhattan.  Now today was kind of an off day in the sense that our track was in charge of leading the worship meeting for the entire project tonight so we had to be there early and stuff so this left us less time at our campuses.  Sooooo instead of going all the way out to Brooklyn we went to Hunter...which was so great.
We spent a long time prayer walking and just asking the Lord to go before us and move in the hearts of those we would be encountering.  We also took time getting to know the campus and asked students questions about campus life and if there were any Christian ministries offered.  We call this "decoding"...this process is especially important at Hunter College because it is one of the places where Crusade hopes to plant a ministry.  We had the opportunity to get a few contacts and meet a couple of students who are they could be great resources for us in the future.  
While we were surveying students about their campus I met a student who was from Brooklyn and was commuting every day to school.  We asked him if he knew of any Christian clubs on campus and if he had ever attended one.  He said that he knew of a Chinese Christian ministry and he had been to it a couple of times...however after that he told us that he was an atheist. Unfortunately our conversation did not turn into a spiritual one but it really got me thinking.  We prayed for this student afterwards, but this incident just gripped a hold of my heart.  Honestly it broke my heart!  I mean I know I am here to do outreach, evangelize, and try to reach students for Christ, but when something like that actually comes out of someones mouth it really hits home...its like I just wanted to scream dude don't you know that Jesus loves you and he died for you and he wants a relationship with you! but I understand that no matter how much I want it to work that way, thats just not how it is. AND THEN we went up to a bridge that connects two of the buildings and I was looking out at the street below and in one glance I looked and prolly saw at least 100 once glance...and then I was just reminded of how many people are in this city...followed by the thought of how many people are lost in this city!  Needless to say God really broke my heart for this city today!
Tonight was so great, fun, and much needed time to worship the Lord.  Every week we will have MnM (monday night meeting).  This is a time where our entire project will come together for a worship service.  Each week a different track is in charge of organizing and planing the meeting and this week it was our turn.  We had a lot of fun planning and leading worship.  Brandon, Nate, Alex, and Sam led music, Tom led us in a wonderful spiritual nugget, we some folks read scripture in different languages(that was so neat), Aaron shared a little bit of what our vision is as a campus track and our project as a whole, and I got to was a lot of fun.  Our main focus was on worship...what worship is and what it is not.  That it is more than just songs and verses but a lifestyle.  We talked a lot about what it might look like to let this overflow into our ministry and heart for the city. we had some personal time to reflect and spend time with the Lord towards the end of the meeting and I opened my Bible and the first thing I saw was Psalm 115...

"Not to us, LORD, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness. Why do the nations say,"Where is their God?"Our God is in heaven; he does whatever pleases him.But their idols are silver and gold, made by human hands. They have mouths, but cannot speak, eyes, but cannot see. They have ears, but cannot hear, noses, but cannot smell. They have hands, but cannot feel, feet, but cannot walk, nor can they utter a sound with their throats. Those who make them will be like them, and so will all who trust in them. House of Israel, trust in the LORD—he is their help and shield. House of Aaron, trust in the LORD— he is their help and shield. You who fear him, trust in the LORD— he is their help and shield. The LORD remembers us and will bless us: He will bless the house of Israel, he will bless the house of Aaron, he will bless those who fear the LORD—small and great alike. May the LORD cause you to increase, both you and your children. May you be blessed by the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. The highest heavens belong to the LORD, but the earth he has given to humankind.It is not the dead who praise the LORD, those who go down to the place of silence; it is we who extol the LORD, both now and forevermore. Praise the LORD."

  Reading this verse was so awesome because we had just finished singing God of the City...and not to mention the Lord had really used the day to break me for this city.  The nations are right outside my window and they are not free.  They can not see, taste, feel, or hear the way that God created them to...of course we will praise the Lord forever more but our worship does not end when we leave a should continue wherever we go, through the things we say, do, and we should worship with our lives so that others can that they too can worship THE God who created them to be his.  Worship God by living for him.

Tomorrow we are going into Brooklyn to decode Kingsborough CC.  This is exciting because this is the campus my ministry team will be spending the most time at.  Please pray that the Lord will use us on this campus tomorrow, that we will be able to get into meaningful/spiritual conversations with students and that he will give us boldness.  Please pray for our team as our late nights/early mornings/the city have just taken its toll on our bodies.  We find ourselves really tired and we don't want that to be a foothold for the enemy...pray that the Lord will give us energy and the ability to love on the people we meet and to make it from block to block without our legs giving out from under us. God is good and greater things have yet to come!  

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Tears, songs, and a husband

Today we went to Redeemer Church in Manhattan.  The pastor (Tim Keller) spoke on the story of was amazing and I wanted to share my notes with you.

In Hebrew times having children was very important to their society.  It meant not only the survival of a family but economic and social survival.  For example, the more children you had, the more hands you had to help with the family trade.  If you had no children not only was your family in jeopardy of dying out but it was socially shameful to be barren.  Hannah's heart was so broken.
Hannah's rival (Peninnah) was constantly taunting her...verse 7 says that it would get so bad that Hannah would weep and not eat.  Can you imagine Peninnah's glory over Hannah, the pride she must have felt knowing that she had bore her husband children.  Even though Hannah was her husband's favorite and had his love, this could never make up for being barren.  Bearing your husband a child was the highest form of love you could ever offer him.  Now Elkanah was a pretty great guy.  He loved her anyway...He comforts her tears and says to her "Hannah, why are you weeping? Why don't you eat? Why are you downhearted? Don't I mean more to you than ten sons?"....thats right ladies there is the awww factor.  But these two people (Peninnah and Elkanah) represent more than just a rival and a lover.
Peninnah represents culture.  How Hannah valued what her culture said was valuable rather than what God finds valuable.  Then you have Elkanah saying hey love me, put your worth in me, depend on me, I love you.  Hannah has bought into this superficiality so long that she is numb.  However the next thing Hannah does is so beautiful.  She stands up in the middle of the room (people think she is drunk) and just starts praying to God. "O LORD Almighty, if you will only look upon your servants misery and remember me, and not forget your servant but give her a son, then I will give him to the LORD for all the days of his life, and no razor will ever be used on his head."  Hannah is finally ignoring and sick of the lies around her and goes straight to the Lord with her burdens. She is surrendering to him...knowing that he might not give her what she desires, but she finds peace and rest in the Lord's arms.
So lets think about our culture for a second.  How often do we listen to the Peninnah's  in our you have to look a certain way, act a certain way, or meet the worlds superficial standards to be accepted.  I know women have a hard time with this lie because I am one and just because I love Jesus doesn't mean I don't believe that junk every now and then.  It is a constant battle for not pretty enough, not skinny enough, oh well if I could just look like her, or have those clothes, or lose this much weight than I will be accepted.  Or how bout those Elkanah's in our culture...where we rely on something that will only fail rather than an unchangeable, unshakeable the opposite sex...let me depend fully on the love of my husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend...or the love of my parents or friends...Any human relationship, no matter how great it is will fail us at some points...we are human and that is just how it goes...or what about alcohol, drugs, school work, our jobs, our ministry...seriously anything that we depend more than Christ.  Who are we to think that any of this wordlyness can ever compare to the love, security, and fulfillment we can find in the Lord.
Hannah is an amazing and unlikely example for us to follow.  She ignores the sillyness around her...stands up and runs to the Lord.  She doesn't run to her husband or her best friend saying oh woe is me I can't have kids...but she comes to the Lord, her true HUSBAND, first and crys out to him.  And he hears her, he meets her where she is...that is so be met by the comforted.  She turns from selfishly wanting a child for her own benefit to wanting a child for the Lord, and God honored her and himself in that...and that is something to learn from.
Now God does eventually give her a son and Hannah rejoices (1 Samuel 2:1-11)...and commits him to the Lord just as she promised.
If we go to God our our husband...the sufferings we have in this world might not be so sufferable.  Suffering is never meaningless...God has used the weakest moments in my life to produce amazingess through him.  Keller said "God does his greatest works at your greatest innability"...we are all human...we all fall short...but the amazing thing is that God knows that and yet he still desires us despite all of our short comings...and he wants to meet us where we our deepest sufferings, pain, brokeness, and sinfulness.  Your husband is waiting!

"Sing, O barren woman, you who never bore a child; burst into song, shout for joy, you who were never in labor; because more are the children of the desolate woman than of her who has a husband," says the LORD."Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes.For you will spread out to the right and to the left;  your descendants will dispossess nations and settle in their desolate cities."Do not be afraid; you will not suffer shame. Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated. You will forget the shame of your youth and remember no more the reproach of your widowhood. For your Maker is your husband— the LORD Almighty is his name—the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer;he is called the God of all the earth.The LORD will call you back as if you were a wife deserted and distressed in spirit—a wife who married young, only to be rejected," says your God."For a brief moment I abandoned you, but with deep compassion I will bring you back."
~Isaiah 54:1-7